Frequently Asked Questions

Where are your servers located?

  • Our servers are Germany based

What payments methods do we accept?

PayPal Goods & Services is the only payment method we accept currently. We only accept payments made in EURO (€)

How long will it take when I receive my server after ordering?

  • Please allow us to set up your server! This can take up to 24 hours. In the most occasions it will be way faster.

What exactly am I buying?

  • The server you buy is basically a Windows machine that you can remotely access from your computer or your mobile phone.

You’ll get the hostname, username and password for the server. You use these details to access the server using “Remote Desktop Connection (RDP)”.

RDP is built into windows systems and you have apps for Mac, Android and iPhone.

The server acts and behaves like a normal Windows PC. You can install anything, run your favorite programs, browse the internet, etc.

Do I need to use proxies?

  • You're required to use proxies on the server for most sites. The servers are commercial high-speed that can ban the server IP. That's why proxies are required.

What happens if I lose the password of the server?

  • We have to wipe the server, since we can’t access it anymore. You will be charged a €15,00 fee.

Is the billing recurring?

  • Yes. If you would to edit your subscription, please make a ticket.

How do I know what server I need?

  • If you need help choosing the server, you can make a ticket or ask in <#699998321481351195>

What happens when I lose my server password?

  • We have to wipe the server, since we can’t access it either. You will be charged an additional 15 EURO fee.

Can I turn my own PC off or will that affect the server?

  • Yes, your server will be online 24/7.

Can I access the server via my phone?

Yes, please download one of the following apps:

When do we have to pay our renewal fee?

  • Please open a ticket in the discord and mention that is about a renewal and we will assist you.

    Keep in mind; your payment has to be sent and confirmed by us at least 3-5 days before the end of your billing cycle. We will try to remind you as well.

Last updated